Product Name Isabgol (Psyllium Husk)
Aloe Vera dried leaf 99% MeshSuper white
Amaltas / Cassia Fistula 98% Mesh White
Amla fruits (Emblica officinale) 95% Husk Pure White
Anar Chilka / Pomegranate Peel 95% MeshPure White
Apamarg Whole Plant (Acyranthes aspera) 90% Mesh Pure White
Arjun Leaves (Terminalia arjuna) -
Arnimool -
Ashok Bark (Saraca indica) -
Ashwagandha -
Babul Stem (Acacia Arabica) -
Bacopa / Jal Brahmi -
Bael Fruit (Aegle marmelos) -
Bai vidang fruit (Embelia ribes) -
Baikumbhi / Vakamba -
Bala / Country Mallow -
Ban Tulsi / Kala Bhangra -
Banafsha / Sweet Violet -
Behda / Beleric Myrobalan -
Bhojpatra / Betula Utilis -
Bhringraj (whole plant) -
Bhumi Amla / phyllanthus -
Bichhu Phal / Baghnak -
Black Cumin -
Black Pepper -
Brahmadandi / Smooth Tricholepis -
Chirata / Swertia Chirata -
Curry Leaves (Murraya koenigii) -
Daruhaldi Bark (Berberis aristata)(Wild)Stem  -
Devdaru / Cedar Wood -
Dhaiphool / Fire Flame Bush -
Dhatura / Thorn Apple -
Dill -
Gokhru Fruit -
Guduchi Stem (Tinospora cordifolia) -
Harad Fruits (Terminalia chebula) -
Kalmegh (whole plant) -
Karanj (Pongamia glabra) seeds/ Milletia pinnata -
Kutaj Stem -
Licorice -
Mango Fresh leaves -
Marodphalli Fruits (Helicteres isora) -
Nagar Motha Rhizome (Cyperus rotundus) -
Natural Saffron -
Neem (stem, bark, leaves)  -
Neem Seeds -
Pellitory Roots / Akarkara -
Pipal Bark (Ficus religiosa) -
Pippali Fruits -
Shankpushpi -
Sharpunkha whole plant -
Shatavari -
Sirish Leaves (Albizzia lebbeck) -
Tulsi Whole Plant (Ocimum sanctum) -
Turmeric -
Vibhitaki Fruit (Terminalia bellirica) -
Vidari Rhizome (Pueraria tuberosa) -
Wild Garlic bulb (Allium ursinum) -
We have many more extracts like Triphala (Terminalia Belerica), Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum), Turmeric (Curcuma longa), Vasaca (Justicia adhatoda), White Kidney Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), etc. We will provide you with all detail and pricing , kindly Contact us for all your requirements.